Electric Bus Holiday Timetable

With school holidays starting, our electric vehicle timetable will be changing to accommodate this from Monday to Friday. Below are the routes and times these buses will be on whilst we work towards introducing them further into the network.

550 inbound

·         12:45

·         19:15

550 outbound

·         11:45

·         18:15

552 inbound

·         11:58

553 inbound

·         6:24

553 outbound

·         7:15

·         14:15

560 inbound

·         11:03

·         13:03

·         18:03

560 outbound

·         10:02

·         12:02

·         17:04

·         19:02

562 inbound

·         8:18

·         15:15

563 inbound

·         12:57

·         16:00

563 outbound

·         14:01

·         17:01

Please be advised that these vehicles admit a limited amount of sound, so please be visually aware of the time and watching for these buses.


Ekka Holiday - Service Update Monday 14th August


Term 2 School Route Changes